Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Roadmap of Anime Checker 2.0

I just want to announce that work has started for version 2.0 of Anime Checker. There will be a few changes to the user interface in this next version as well as some more bug fixes that I have identified, like the fact that the table doesn't sort file names and paths correctly when the file names are exactly the same.

There will not be any new updates to the current version of the software, so just sit tight and wait patiently for the new version.

Please look forward to version 2.0. Also, comments are still welcome and any errors that are found should be reported.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Update for 1.13

This is a quick fix for some problems in the 1.13 version of Anime Checker.
The problems corrected:
  • Further fixes for the Remove All function not being highlighted at the right time, such as when revealing verified items after using Remove All.
  • Program state fixes for properly reporting the number of items visible when Hide Verified Items is checked.
  • Also the tooltips for clear search button and the search parameters button were changed.
Other changes made to Anime Checker can be found here.
Visit the download page to get the program.

If you find any problems with the program or wish to suggest a feature that you feel the program is missing, please comment.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Version - 1.13

Here is an update to Anime Checker: version 1.13

The major change to this program is that a regression bug introduced in 1.12 is resolved. The bug would cause 100% CPU usage if there was an item in the table that was not selected. A couple of other fixes were added and undo/redo support was added to the text box for Edit Found CRC via the keyboard.

Changes made to Anime Checker can be found here.
Visit the download page to get the program.

If you find any problems with the program or wish to suggest a feature that you feel the program is missing, please comment.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Version - 1.12

Here is an update to Anime Checker: version 1.12

The major change to this program is that a new menu is introduced: Display Density. This allows the user to change the space between the rows of the table. Another change is that new keyboard shortcuts have been added to better navigate between the table and the search box: F6 and ESC.

Changes made to Anime Checker can be found here.
Visit the download page to get the program.

If you find any problems with the program or wish to suggest a feature that you feel the program is missing, please comment.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Release - Version 1.10

Here is an update to Anime Checker: version 1.10

Anime Checker is proud to disclose its new mascot character Megan!

Anime Checker Mascot, Megan!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Anime Checker Launchers

Available now are native launchers for Anime Checker. You can use these to start Anime Checker if you are having trouble launching the jar file. As of right now only the launchers for Windows are available, but the ones for Linux systems are in the works.

In order to use the launchers, they need to have the same name as the main Anime Checker jar file and both the jar file and the executable need to be in the same directory. Also for Linux launchers, make sure the "Allow executing file as program" permission is set on the launcher file.

So check out the Downloads page to get the new launchers!

Edit February 24, 2013: x86 Linux launcher was added.
Edit March 3, 2013: Windows Launchers updated to properly support Anime Checker's console mode.
Edit March 15, 2013: Linux 64-bit launcher was added.

New Release - Version 1.9

Here is an update to Anime Checker: version 1.9

The major change to this program is that in order to provide more control to the user, a dialog window appears on start-up asking if the user wants to check for updates on program start-up without accessing the internet. In order to view more information about what happens during the update check process, view this page.

Changes made to Anime Checker can be found here.
Visit the download page to get the program.

If you find any problems with the program or wish to suggest a feature that you feel the program is missing, please comment.