Thursday, February 21, 2013

Anime Checker Launchers

Available now are native launchers for Anime Checker. You can use these to start Anime Checker if you are having trouble launching the jar file. As of right now only the launchers for Windows are available, but the ones for Linux systems are in the works.

In order to use the launchers, they need to have the same name as the main Anime Checker jar file and both the jar file and the executable need to be in the same directory. Also for Linux launchers, make sure the "Allow executing file as program" permission is set on the launcher file.

So check out the Downloads page to get the new launchers!

Edit February 24, 2013: x86 Linux launcher was added.
Edit March 3, 2013: Windows Launchers updated to properly support Anime Checker's console mode.
Edit March 15, 2013: Linux 64-bit launcher was added.

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